Cuban plane infront of Cuban flag

The flight that took over 5 decades

Friday, September 2, 2016

CUBA: The first US commercial flight in over 50 years has finally touched down on Cuban tarmac.

Waiting for a flight can be an anxious time for most. Spare a thought for people waiting over five decades for one.

The flight took place after 14 months of negotiations to normalise relations between Cuba and the USA. Relations have been tense between the two since Fidel Castro led a socialist revolution in the late 50’s.

Cuban flag flying

JetBlue was the first airline to get in on new opportunities to fly to the Caribbean island with the first flight departing from Florida and landing in Santa Clara. As well as being the first place in Cuba to welcome tourist from the US, it is famous for being the home to the tomb of revolutionary Ernesto “Che” Guevara.

Cuban airports had been under the microscope in the lead-up to the first commercial flight but it has been widely reported that they have been brought up to American security standards.

There is a reason to remain grounded for passengers as they can only travel for certain reasons, passengers have to be eligible for travel through one of 12 categories such as educational and artistic.

The doors are slowly opening for tourists with an estimated 110 commercial flights to come each day, according to the US department of transportation.

Cuba’s tourism office seemingly back up the suggestion that it is easier for US citizens to travel to the island with tourism figures standing at double of what they were last year.

JetBlue flight 387 has made history by departing the States and landing in Cuba and is a clear sign of thawing relations between the US and Cuba

Written by: Team

Graphc of Cuban plane flying in front of Cuban flag