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Climate change - efforts by aviation partners

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Earlier this month the Air Transport Organisation (ATAG), global coalition of aviation partners promoting the sectors sustainable development, has published a report about climate change. The organisation evaluated the impact different measures to prevent climate change and published their findings in a report under the title Aviation Climate Solutions. The sector had been amongst the first to formulate global goals in order to manage its climate change impact. 

Climate change - efforts by aviation partners

Focus points of the goals

Key areas of those climate change goals are, amongst others, the development of alternative fuels, more efficient start,flying and landing procedures and new technologies for the construction of new aircrafts, terminals and airport buildings. Due to the the notable CO2 footprint the sector leaves, the realization of theses measures will have a significant impact on the total emission. The use of solar energy and the transmission to alternative fuels are some of the many possibilities to make global air transportation more sustainable.

Concrete Actions

The report presents a number of substantial measures that have been taken over the course of the past couple of years. According to which more than 100 airports have already begun the change towards solar energy. The energy produced by the solar cells installed on airport territory is directly used for supplying the airports energy. Above the clouds, air transportation is equally becoming more and more eco-friendly. Alternative fuels have already been used for more than 2000 commercial flights and are now slowly also being introduced for everyday use. Around 65 million tons of CO2 have been saved through the addition of wingtip devices on more than 8300 in-service aircrafts over the past 15 years.

Interplay of actions

The report shows a big spectrum of actions and projects of more than 400 organisations in 65 countries. But this is only a snapshot of the projects underway. "Action is taking place in all parts of the world: Not only at large organisations, but also through partners in emerging economies.” Says Michael Gill, executive director of ATAG at the launch of the study in September.

Written by: Flight-Delayed