Airplane 163926 640

Plane returns to gate for 'emergency'

Monday, January 19, 2015


A flight from New York to Seoul was recently delayed due to a bag of macadamia nuts. 

The 40-year-old Cho Hyun-ah, Vice President and responsible for the service on board Korean Air, was served nuts she had not asked for. To add insult to injury, the macadamia nuts were served in a bag instead of the customary bowl, this was apparently too much. Hyun-ah demanded the responsible flight attendant be escorted off the plane. The not yet airborne aircraft was forced to return to the gate and the flight attendant disembarked. He later stated that he was shocked by the vice president’s behaviour but did not dare to go against her with her being the airline president’s daughter.

The incident sparked great outrage in South Korea and the vice president’s behaviour was strongly criticized. Korean Air has since apologized to passengers on the respective flight. In a press release the airline states that "the aircraft was forced to return to the gate due to the unpredicted behaviour of a certain passenger". The airline regrets having caused a delay for the remaing passengers due to this incident.

Written by: Team