
European Commission launches passenger’s rights app

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Brussels July 5th – The summer is arriving and so is the summer rush on the airports. To the irritation of many this is accompanied by lost luggage and flight delays. Via a smartphone passengers are now able to see what they are entitled too and what to do in these situations. Unfortunately taking action directly through the app isn’t possible. So you need to take action yourself.

Flight delays

On the 13th of August after the Olympic ceremony Heathrow awaits its busiest day ever and July is the busiest month for airports all over Europe.  Airports and airlines will do everything within their power to handle their passengers without any problems but the chance of a delayed flight or damaged baggage remains present. 
The smartphone application explains your rights for all occurring problems. What are your rights when your baggage is damaged or lost and; with a long flight delay you are entitled to a compensation up to £ 480. Unfortunately it is not possible to request a compensation directly through the app. It only supplies passengers with information. A European-wide initiative called is stand by in eight European countries to help air passengers in getting them their compensation.

Check if you're legally entitled to a financial compensation

Vice President European Commission

European Commission Vice President Siim Kallas, responsible for Transport said: "How many of us have stood in an airport and felt the frustration of people telling you that you have no rights when you know you have!  With this application millions of travellers can have easy access to the right information about their passenger rights when they most need it, when unexpected situations arise."
The application is part of the Commission’s Your passenger rights at hand campaign.

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