Monsieur Mangetout - The man who ate an airplane
Friday, July 6, 2018
At Flight-Delayed.co.uk, we try to keep you up to date with all flight-related news and information. While it might be a stretch, in this blog we are going to tell you all about a man who successfully ate an airplane!
Michael Lotito was born in 1950, in Grenoble, France. When he was a teenager, he developed an eating disorder known as Pica. Individuals diagnosed with Pica have a persistent desire to eat substances that have no nutritional value such as glass, dirt or metal. Don’t be scared nonetheless, it’s not like the next time your at the airport the crew will tell you that your Ryanair flight has been delayed due to a man biting the aircraft on the tarmac.
He first began publicly performing at 16, showcasing his remarkable ability to consume objects many wouldn’t think possible. Over time, this talent led to his stage name of ‘Monsieur Mangetout’ or ‘Mr Eat-All’.
How on earth did he eat a plane?
Under normal circumstances, consumption of metals and glass (Monsieur Mangetout’s speciality) would be very dangerous and difficult to digest. However, doctors noted that Mr Lotito had a very thick lining around his stomach and intestines, giving him an ability to consume like no one before him! Furthermore, Monsieur Mangetout seemed to be unaffected by consuming poisonous metals.
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Monsieur Mangetout eats a plane
While Monsieur Mangetout may not have eaten a Boeing 747 or any gigantic passenger plane, he did still eat a whopping 9 tons of metal. The plane of choice was a Cessna 150 airplane, pictured below. He was able to consume the aircraft over a period of two years between 1978-1980. Other notable items he ate throughout his career include: bicycles, shopping carts, beds, chandeliers, television sets, a small section of the Eiffel tower and a coffin.
Monsieur Mangetout / Michael Lotito sadly died of natural causes in 2007. It seems that his eating habits never actually impacted his health. However, following in the footsteps of this consuming crusader are not recommended.
RIP Monsieur Mangetout, the first person to have a coffin inside, rather than the other way around. Thank you for reading and please do not try this at home! Or the airport for that matter. We are sure that Air France won't appreciate it if you go trying to eat their newest Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner!
Claiming compensation for a flight delay
At Flight-Delayed.co.uk we make sure that your airline treats you within your rights in the event of a delay. If you have been delayed within the last 6 years you may be entitled to as much as 600 euros! To see if you are entitled to compensation, you can use our free Claim Calculator — it's completely free of charge and non-committal. If you do decide to submit a claim with us, this is on a no-win-no-fee basis, so you can’t lose money!

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