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The airline without a flight delay in 27 years

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

The New York skyline
Flight delays are a natural consequence of flying, right? Wrong. An American airline can proudly boast that it has never had a flight delayed or cancelled. 
I know you have just spat out your coffee in disbelief but believe it. The airline was founded 27 years ago and is yet to experience a single delay.
The main reason behind that is the fact that the airlines only aircraft has never left the tarmac with a paying passenger on board.
Originally, Baltia was based in New York with the intention of providing the only non-stop flight from NY to St. Petersburg.
The airline never passed the required certification test and managed to accumulate over a 100 million dollars in debt, without ever generating any revenue.
According to the Daily Telegraph, Baltia maintains its position currently at “an advanced stage of the FAA Air Carrier Certification process” and the reservations section of its website doesn’t allow any bookings to be made.
The carrier was aiming to become the “leading US airline in the transAtlantic market”. That aim hasn't been accomplished just yet but they did achieve the prestigious title of the only US carrier without a flight delay or cancellation on record.

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